Yes E-Exam supports dark mode to cater for all student needs, some of the advantages of dark mode iblude but not limited to
There are a lot of advantages to using dark mode, like extended battery life and reduced glare and blue light exposure.
MORE BATTERY, LESS CHARGING: Using dark mode can extend your battery life by up to 30%, which means you won't need to charge your phone as often.
At E-Exam we cover of kinds of exams ie multiple choice, text-field, drag and drop and even audio based examinations.
Furthermore our examinations span from primary up to tertiary education and everything inbetween.
E-Exam focuses on examination simulations to help students prepare, master and ace their next big examination with ease.
Our neat and intelligent algorithmn does this for you to help you familiarize with real exam environment.
E-Exam is built with students needs at the back of our minds. At the end of each examination you will be graded and keep track of your progress,
as you progress with your revision journey on E-Exam.
At E-Exam we keep our feet wet updating all the examinations inorder to deliver the value every student need to ace thier examinations.
Our examinations are updated on a regular basis to keep upto date with current exam needs and regulations.
We are not a school by no means, though we work with students to help them prepare, master and ace their next examinations through the use of examination simulations.
We also have a dedicated forum where students can ask and shame ideas to solve a certain problem.
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